Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Join me in the Ministry of Writing

Over the past several years this blog has been through a few different permutations.  First it was a place where I would digest my sermon notes into blog length content.  Then when God called us to the mission it changed to an easy place for our updates with meaningful (at least I hope) theological reflection. 

Now I would like to tweak the content of the blog a little bit more.  I am inviting you to participate in our blog.  You see, I do not want this blog to be just a quick place to write some perfunctory updates.  I want this blog to be a ministry to those of you who read regularly.  So I need your participation. 

What does your participation look like?  Well I want you to ask me questions.  Really, ask any question.  From deep theological questions you are wrestling with, to questions about which type of peanut butter I like (Chunky Jiff BTW).  I want you to ask me questions about what it is like to be a missionary, to how you can do ministry in your context.  Maybe you have a situation in your life you need help figuring out.  Maybe you need to know a good recipe for cookies (tollhouse cholate chips a no brainer). 

No matter which way you look at it I want to write this blog with you.  There are two big reasons for this.  First, I want this blog to be a ministry to you who are reading it and sharing it.  The second reason (especially in language school) is updates can become repetitive and trite (E.g. “I learned how to say a word like a 4 year old and I loved it.” “I spoke a new word in a new language cool.” “I had a conversation with someone and they did not laugh at me (much).” Etc. etc.).  With your participation in this blog I hope to make it more interesting and useful for you. 

How do we do this together. I want you to ask me questions.  You can do it through any means I have of communicating.  The first is the comment section of this blog (any post).  You can contact me on facebook: samuel.hahn.393 or on twitter: @flyleafdigest.  Finally, if you have a question you would like to remain anonymous you can shoot me an email at 

I want to thank you in advance for joining me in the ministry of sharing our mission together. 

Here is where the missionary would put their prayer requests:
I will do that here, but I want to put your prayer requests down too.  Let us know how the readers and contributors of Flyleaf Digest can pray for you.

For us?

For the Hahn family language school is going well. We are getting good marks on our tests and feel like French is starting to stick.  Yesterday we applied to get Felicity's passport.  Pray the administrative process goes smoothly. Our biggest prayer request is that God would increase our affection for Him during this time.  We realized that our joy in Christ has been thin lately.  Please pray that the daily rhythms of life do not drowned out our deep need for more of Jesus.

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