Now I would like to tweak the content of the blog a little
bit more. I am inviting you to
participate in our blog. You see, I do
not want this blog to be just a quick place to write some perfunctory updates. I want this blog to be a ministry to those of
you who read regularly. So I need your
What does your participation look like? Well I want you to ask me questions. Really, ask any question. From deep theological questions you are wrestling with, to questions about which type of peanut butter I like (Chunky
Jiff BTW). I want you to ask me
questions about what it is like to be a missionary, to how you can do ministry
in your context. Maybe you have a
situation in your life you need help figuring out. Maybe you need to know a good recipe for
cookies (tollhouse cholate chips a no brainer).
No matter which way you look at it I want to write this blog
with you. There are two big reasons for
this. First, I want this blog to be a
ministry to you who are reading it and sharing it. The second reason (especially in language school) is updates can become repetitive and trite (E.g. “I learned how to say a word like
a 4 year old and I loved it.” “I spoke a new word in a new language cool.” “I
had a conversation with someone and they did not laugh at me (much).” Etc. etc.). With your participation in this blog I hope to make it more interesting and useful for you.
How do we do this together. I want you to ask me
questions. You can do it through any
means I have of communicating. The first
is the comment section of this blog (any post).
You can contact me on facebook: samuel.hahn.393 or on twitter: @flyleafdigest. Finally, if you have a
question you would like to remain anonymous you can shoot me an email at revpsam@ptd.net.
I want to thank you in advance for joining me in the
ministry of sharing our mission together.
Here is where the missionary would put their prayer requests:
I will do that here, but I want to put your prayer requests
down too. Let us know how the readers
and contributors of Flyleaf Digest can pray for you.
For us?
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