Sunday, August 26, 2018

What is the Cost?

On the post Update: Welcome Lodgy KateKing90 Asked in the comments,
I am reminded of John 16:33, ‘In this world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!’ Praying that your church sites would see the Lord overcoming their tribulation and feel his hand raising them up over the turbulence. Praying for peace between the church and those who oppose her. Can you share any more about the site and what is going on where people are specifically opposed to building the church?

I am interested by your question because yes there is a specific answer to your question. (however, I will obscure some of the details of the answer just to protect the people who are involved.) The reason I find your question so interesting is that it lends itself to a greater question that we seldom face as Christians in the States.