Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Update: Welcome Lodgy - Thank you!

I wanted to take some time to write to you, our faithful friends and followers.  The past few months we have experienced many difficult trials while in the midst of a massive transition between France and Senegal.  The culmination of those trials was the death of my father, a wonderful man, who will be truly missed. I cannot wait to see him again in the presence of Jesus. 

I want to say thank you to everyone who faithfully reads this blog or supports us through prayer and giving.  There was no mistaking the blessing and presence of God during that time.  This trial would have been much more debilitating if it were not for the out pouring of love from the body of Christ.  

And now with all of that said I would like to spend the rest of this post saying one big THANK YOU, for there is a new member on our team.  His name is Lodgy.  He is dark gray and weighs a ton.  We were able to purchase a car by your support to our vehicle fund.

In the funny serendipitous ways things happen, we were praying and searching and thinking it would take a much longer time before we would be able to drive around Dakar on our own.  In the mean time we were taking taxis and thumbing rides.  Then one morning while looking pictures leaning against a wall (we were still in the process of unpacking), Amelia said to us, “God is going to give us a car,” and then she added, “So we can drive really fast and go see Gammy and Papa.” 

Lodgy taking a rest under a tree after a long drive
Interestingly that day we saw on the “Craig’s List” here that another missionary was selling his car, a low mileage 7 seater mini mini-van.  The perfect car for driving in Dakar.  So, we inquired and its price almost the same amount as the amount raised.  That is when we put out our final request for support. 

Wow you all came in.  Not only did we quickly raise the remainder needed, but it was enough to cover the large amount of transfer tax that is involved in purchasing a vehicle. 

Sadly, two weeks after we purchased the vehicle my father passed away, and we returned to the States for the funeral.  (That is why I must apologize for taking so long to write this update and thank you letter.) 

After returning to Senegal, for our time in the States, the vehicle was ready for us (a big thank you to our friends here who helped us get our vehicle registered).  In our month back Lodgy has been busy.  He is helping us serve Senegal in ministry for the glory of God.  In the beginning part of this month, I went with our pastor out to our planting sights.  We believe God wants to place his church in Senegal. 

We went out to three different villages.  At the first two the buildings are at ground level, literally.  Progress is being made regularly.  However, there are people who wish to prevent the building, specifically at one of our sites.  Finally, we went to the village the furthest out there is a building there already.  Someone associated with our church donated the building to us.  There is some construction that must take place but we are close to starting there.  We are now pouring our efforts out there.  Pray for the site Jkl*.

Lodgy faithfully carried us there.  And the extra special joy was that we brought a shipment of Operation Christmas Child boxes to the kids of that village.  We packed so many boxes in the states I never expected to deliver the boxes.  That was an extra special blessing. 

In addition, we got to explore the surrounding villages and we got to meet some people who we hope can help us with our ministry in the Jkl site.  God has blessed our efforts and I was able to be a blessing to my pastor because of your loving gifts to our vehicle fund. 

This is a good reminder how needed your prayer and support to us is as we seek to serve God here in Africa.  Thank you for blessing us.  Please continue to pray for us and support us through the Christian and Missionary Alliance.  We could not do this without you. 

Now, I must take three lovely girls to wash the car

*though we are not in a closed access country I will not post names of people or places without permission to protect them and their efforts here. 

Prayer Points:

- Please pray for our church as we cast vision to expand to our new sites. 

- Please ask God to block Satan’s efforts to stop, or give a bad name, to the building progress.

- Please pray for Pastor P.* that he would have continued wisdom and vision as we grow to our new sites.

- Pray for Jen as she is in the last month to last few weeks of her pregnancy.  Pray that the new baby boy would arrive healthy, happy, and early. 

-Pray for Jen that as she develops relationships with the women of our neighborhood God would provide opportunities for her to share the gospel with them.  (Pray specifically for Miss B and Mrs. F who do not know Jesus).

- Pray for me as I am in the end of my French language learning and I am transitioning into church ministry. 

- With that Praise to God that last Wednesday I lead my first bible study in French and everyone liked the study in Romans 12:1-3 so much that they asked if I could continue teaching on the chapter.  I figure that is a good sign if they want me back :).   (It has been at least 2 years since I lead a bible study and I forgot how much I missed it.)

1 comment:

  1. I am reminded of John 16:33, "In this world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!" Praying that your church sites would see the Lord overcoming their tribulation and feel his hand raising them up over the turbulence. Praying for peace between the church and those who oppose her.
    Can you share any more about the site and what is going on where people are specifically opposed to building the church?
    Great to hear from you all! Keep posting!
