When considering
the relationship between the races, America has a painful history. This history is full of black eyes and
ongoing shame. There are many reasons
for the struggle we face today. It is a
complex and sorrowful situation.
When I look at
the picture of race in America, where we have come from, and where we are at,
the burden of sorrow brings me to my knees.
The situation seems hopeless.
There is a population of people who were wronged by the institution of
slavery. There is a population of people
who were harmed by institutionalized racism.
There is a population of people who are encouraged to ruminate on their
Contrast that
there is a population of people who thought it was their superior, and God
given right to own another person, based solely on skin color. There is a population of people who refused
to fellowship with another because of their skin. There is a population of people who think
they can just say sorry and too quickly forget the pain of the past.
(I do not want us
to think that race is a problem only for the white American. The issue of race belongs to everyone who
calls themselves human. Through out history
one population has sought to rule another, thought superior due to a location,
ethnic tradition, or color of skin. The
Germans and the Jews. The Hutus and the Tutsis.
The Serbs and the Albanians. The
list is infinite. Race is a complex and
trying issue for all of us who call ourselves human.)
So the question
is, where do we find ourselves in America on this issue of race? Some look to the black population and say, “Just
get over it. It happened so long ago.”
There are some who would advocate flipping the scales and having those
who were on the bottom be on top.
There are those,
both white and black, who would say to my friend, who is black, “You are not a
black,” because he does not fit the “thugging” stereo type. (The last time some one said that about my
friend I almost stood on my head in frustration. Black is not a “getto thing!” White is not a
“rich thing!”) Everything seems broken
and I do not know how to fix it!
That is until I
turn to the scriptures for hope. We must
approach this issue with profound humility especially as Christians. For we recognize that no one is righteous not
a single one. All have sinned and fallen
short of the glory of God. Our pride, be
it arrogance due to skin color, or wallowing in guilt, is all-sinful. But we have true hope in Jesus Christ. The good news of the cross is that under one
banner all people of Heaven are going to be united. The wounds will be healed, and the world
restored, to include all races.
Galatians 3:26-29 says,
For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.
In Jesus Christ we belong to a new family, a new order. I believe that the only place that we will be
able to find unity between all races is in the beautiful call of Christ. We are all guilty. Every one of us here. I know that even I have allowed the
stereotypes to affect how I see another person.
I confess that there has been times where I saw a
black/Hispanic/Asian/Indian person and I did not see a person for whom Christ
died, but a skin color or an ethnic stereotype.
I confess that and tell you that in this passage we see the answer to
the problem of race in the world.
We who are gentiles, that is not members of the nation of
Israel, are now accepted into the promises that once belonged to Israel, the
promise of God’s favor. In Gal 3:29 Paul
tells the Galatians that we can all be called heirs of the promise of
Abraham. All race is united in Christ
This is not a Borg like unity. This is not uniformity, we are not going to
be the same. This is not sameness but a
rich diversity and tapestry of nationalities, ethnicities, and races who are
all called to one body, one Church, and one nation under the banner of the good
news of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 7:9 says,
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
The image of heaven is not one of everyone looking the same,
having the same face, having the same name.
No, we will be a diverse people with an inseparable unity. We will be one people called to worship and
glorify God! (And don’t get me started
on the food.)
There is an answer to the problem of race. The answer begins with humility in our
hearts. We must remember that we were
once not a part of the Kingdom of God.
We were once not part of the promise of Heaven. In fact we were all once enemies to God. Our sins added to the burden of Christ on the
cross. So we must be humble and know
that we have no claim, no priority, no ability, that is innate to who we are
because of our skin, birth, wealth, poverty, or gender. But we belong to the beautiful diversity and
unity that is in the Church because we belong to Christ.
I challenge you, that as you encounter diversity as you hear
the voice of how different we are, the voice of the struggles of the past and
present, the voice of stereotypes, remember that you belong to a new
nation. You belong to a diverse

Let us look at race a little differently. Let us pray that we can be united together
here in this life, like we will in heaven.
Wouldn’t be cool if we could gather together to sing praises to God, if
we could eat and share our fellowship together and celebrate, in Christ Jesus,
our rich diversity.
Let us pray that our church will become a place of diverse
unity for the Cross of Jesus Christ!
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