As Americans we often go to great lengths to make ourselves
comfortable and forget the fact that, one day, we are going to face our Creator. We hide in darkness trying our best to keep
warm next to little candles that offer little heat and keep our eyes dim. No matter how hard we try we cannot keep comfortable
in the flickering glow of inadequate light.
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Joseph and the Boy
Read: Matthew 1:18-25
Every so often you hear stories and accounts of major events
in the bible and you begin to think to yourself, “Self, what was it like for
those people who lived through those days?”
Today I would like to explore that question with you. I would like you to put on your “sanctified
imagination” and explore the life of Joseph.
The man who took the savior child, Jesus, to raise as his own son.
What was it like for Joseph at Jesus birth? What would happen if we asked Joseph this at
the end of his life? What would his
answer be? After Jesus is found in the
temple, in Luke 3, Joseph, the adopted father of Jesus, is no longer seen in
the scriptures. Maybe he died just as Jesus
Ministry began. Maybe we came to him
just after the wedding at Cana (where Jesus turned water into wine). Maybe we asked him about his story. Imagine
we had the opportunity to talk to Joseph, just before he died, about Jesus. What
would he say? I imagine his story sounding something like this:
Saturday, December 12, 2015
The Shepherd's Story
Do you ever wonder what it was like, for the people in the great stories of the bible? I often think about them. Specifically, the people in the bible who get one word, a few lines, maybe even a single chapter. I wonder what they would say if they were here to tell their story. How would they say it happened?
Today, let us think about the shepherds in the field on that night. If they were before you today what would they say? I would like to think it might sound something like this:
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Moral Disparity and the Great Healer
In the year king Uzziah died, Isaiah saw a vision of the
Lord sitting on his throne (Isaiah 6:1-8). This glorious image brought Isaiah
to his knees and he proclaimed, “Woe is me! I am lost, for I am a man of
unclean lips, and I live among unclean people.” How is it that a man of God has
to call out and proclaim that he is unclean as if he were a spiritual leper
before God?
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Caution: Don't Waste Your Church
Read: Matthew25:1-13
For quite some time, in the United States, the church of Jesus Christ could assume
that people understood, or at least had a basic understanding, of the principals
and morals and standards found in the scriptures. Children would pray the Lord’s Prayer before
school. Court rooms and government
buildings proudly displayed the Ten Commandments.
But today things look much different. Within the past thirty years the face of our
nation has changed and church congregations that once stood proudly in the
middle of community of life are now on the outskirts.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
What is Forgivness
Read: Matthew 18:21-34
What does it mean to forgive someone? This is an important question. Before we can begin to talk
Before we talk about what forgiveness is, let us talk about
what forgiveness is not. Forgiveness is not a feeling. Too
often, especially in our culture, we gage the effectiveness of something based
on whether or not it made me feel good or not.
In forgiveness there is a large range of emotions that we have to work
through and they are not all good. We
cannot base our forgiveness on how we feel about someone. "I will forgive when I feel better about
that person." That is not
forgiveness and is found nowhere in the bible.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
How to Cry
The music of Eminem intrigues me. He is a man of broken hopes and dreams with a flood of sorrow and depression. He is known in the evangelical circles for his crass lyrics and spoiled language. And, for the reason of his spoiled language I don’t often recommend his music. But, in his amazing talent he is doing something important in his songs. We do not often realize what he is doing because we don’t understand the poetry of lament. Eminem is singing out of a place of incredible pain. He sings for many Americans as he cries out his lament. In his day he was the voice of lament in our culture.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Repairing Race Relations - a Christian response to racial tensions
When considering
the relationship between the races, America has a painful history. This history is full of black eyes and
ongoing shame. There are many reasons
for the struggle we face today. It is a
complex and sorrowful situation.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Enjoying Evangelism
Let us say that for my anniversary I decide I am going to
get flowers for my wife. So I go to the florist
and get 12 roses. Then I get all duded
up in my best bow-tie. Taking my well-dressed
self, I walk up to her holding the flowers.
When my wife sees me coming she will get excited. However, if in the moment of truth I, with no
love or ceremony, thrust the flowers at her and say, "I got you these
because I had to, it is our anniversary."
What would that say? I got you
these because I had to. I can tell you
I would be wearing those roses on my head.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
I Love Jesus, but I DON'T Hate His Church
I love Jesus, but I don’t hate His Church. It is popular to hate His Church, but I
don’t. The Church, she is filled with
all sorts of fools, failures, and hypocrites, and I am proud to be numbered
among them.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness
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Image Source: Darwin Bell from flicker |
What are the beatitudes? The beatitudes set the orientation
of the heart. They say that we would be the type of people who love and reflect
God’s character. When we our hearts are
aligned with the beatitudes we seek God honestly.
The first half of the Lord’s Prayer is a petition for God’s
kingdom to reign on earth. It is a cry
for the holiness and justice of God to be manifested here on earth as it is in
heaven. This is not a prayer for escape
but a prayer for restored relationships and correct ordering. (I think that too often we skip past hollowed
be your name, skip past your kingdom come and jump right to give us our bread,
and keep evil away from us.)
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Living or Dead Sacrifice
Imagine yourself entering the Tabernacle,
the Tent of the Meeting, for the very first time. Your priestly garments are brand new. You can still smell the new sent of fresh
lanolin on your cloths. You are a part
of one of the greatest stories ever told.
You witnessed the wrath of God devastate Egypt by plague; the
deliverance of your nation, Israel, at the Red Sea. You were there when Moses went up to receive
the Law. You even saw the very image of God on Mount Sinai. As the tent of the meeting is consecrated,
and you enter the holiest of places for the first time, how would you approach
the Mercy Seat of the Living God?
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Strive for Rest
God gave us sleep and rest. In a world that is filled with frenetic movement
our lives grow numb and our senses dulled so that we need sleep and rest. Secular studies are showing that sleep is one
of the most productive times in our life.
World is beginning to understand what the bible teaches, sleep and rest
are a gift. God gave us rest so that we
could restore our faith by trusting in him.
The ultimate promise of restoration with God is the hope of entering
into his rest.
We live in a society that despises rest. Sometimes it is innocent, other times it is
blatant unbelief. God created us to be,
and calls us to be, people who rest. The
way we rest, from the constant grind of life, is a direct reflection of our
faith and trust in God.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
The God Over Pain
One of the most difficult topics, in any study of God, is
the problem that suffering exists, in significant portion, for all people in
this world. We believe that God is
loving, that he created man in his image, and yet there is real and present
suffering in this world. As we are
confronted with the bible we want to laugh and toss it aside because, we say,
“How could a great and loving God allow me, us, to suffer?” Today I want to address the real suffering in
this world and offer a hope that only the grace filled God of the bible can
Sunday, August 9, 2015
The Three People who Pray
There are three types of people who pray, in this passage. What type of person are you? How do you approach God when you seek him in
prayer? The three types of people are
(1) the religious sinner, (2) the pagan sinner, and (3) the forgiven child. The
reason I say religious and pagan sinner is to denote that neither of them are
saved. The first and second persons are
sinners because they are still in their sins and have not received forgiveness
from their sins. They approach God on their terms and not his. The third person however is different. He or she approaches God not as one demanding
but as one who is grateful to be a child.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Looking or Living the Good News
When we hear the word "Gospel" we think of a
presentation of initial doctrines, specific to the Christian, faith that one
must affirm to become a “Christian.” The problem is, when we look at the gospel
as merely the starting line or the rudiments of the faith, we start to add
extra things to the Good News, in turn making the Good News less than good
news. The truth that Christ died for us
should change not just how we enter into the Christian life, but how we live
our lives day to day. Every day we need to be refreshed in the Good News.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Delight and Desire

“How can this be I though hedonism was a bad thing? I thought seeking happiness is a selfish thing?”
There are two ways we can seek happiness. The first is seeking happiness that is a delight in self. "I enjoy myself and I demand everyone else do as well." We become the focus of our joy and pursuit of pleasure. When this happens we can only find destruction. This leads to destruction since in our brokenness we will fail ourselves and others. This will eventually lead to a never ending chase to catch a shadow of the real joy.

The better way to seek happiness is to seek God as the object of our enjoyment. When this happens even the smallest pleasures are built on top of the deep, rock solid, foundation of the God's reality. So, when we indulge in the cornucopia of culinary offerings at a feast, like thanksgiving, or your favorite restaurant, we do so with the promise of deep enjoyment. God made food and he made food so that we could enjoy that food and know him better.
There are two ways we can seek happiness. The first is seeking happiness that is a delight in self. "I enjoy myself and I demand everyone else do as well." We become the focus of our joy and pursuit of pleasure. When this happens we can only find destruction. This leads to destruction since in our brokenness we will fail ourselves and others. This will eventually lead to a never ending chase to catch a shadow of the real joy.

The better way to seek happiness is to seek God as the object of our enjoyment. When this happens even the smallest pleasures are built on top of the deep, rock solid, foundation of the God's reality. So, when we indulge in the cornucopia of culinary offerings at a feast, like thanksgiving, or your favorite restaurant, we do so with the promise of deep enjoyment. God made food and he made food so that we could enjoy that food and know him better.
Read: Psalm 37:1-7
Friday, July 10, 2015
Lifting Glory
Listen to this sermon here

Sunday, July 5, 2015
The Shadow of Death's Valley

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The Battle for Joy
I stood in my bay ready to pull the pin, looking at the
crater left by someone who dropped their grenade earlier that day. There is a healthy terror to pulling that
pin. And yet, when you do, you release a
powerful weapon. In a flash of light and
sound, I could hear and feel the powerful force of the grenade going off on the
other side of the bunker wall. In live
combat the grenade is an even more terrifying weapon.
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